Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pizza and homemade tortillas

Hello, Mandy (and anyone else who might happen to read this.)! Here is the blog I told you I would give a whirl. So, I was going to take pictures of what I've made the last couple of days, but I forgot before I ate it...except the tortillas. My favorite pizza dough recipe is Betty Crocker, and I had some cheese and tomatoes, so I had my sister and another friend over for margerita pizza. Yum!

Pizza dough:

1/2 cup warm water
2-1/4 tsp yeast
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 TBSP olive oil
all purpose flour (add as much as you need to make it not too heavy, but not too sticky.)

Make sure you dissolve the yeast in the water with a little bit of flour before you add the rest of the ingredients. Let rise, roll out, place on pizza stone over a sprinkling of cornmeal, "decorate" it, and pop it in the preheated oven at 425 'til edges are brownish.

Next, I ran out of salad dressing, and didn't want to pay for a creamy dressing this week. My mom had a resolution for this, made of what everyone should have right in their fridge. It's basically Thousand Island dressing. Sweet and creamy dressing!

Mom's Thousand Island Dressing:

3 parts mayo
1.5 parts ketchup
1 part milk
sweet pickle relish to taste
salt and pepper to taste.

The last thing I made this week, came out of a memory of my mom making flour tortillas out of Carla Emory's book of Country Living. I have packed mine up for the move, but looked up a recipe online and improvised a bit to make it match what I had in the pantry. A pack of these in the store is like $2-3! Homemade is like 50 cents for 12! Easy, too. I have 8 left in my fridge.

Tortillas - makes 12:

2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1TBSP shortening
3/4 cup cold water

Divide dough into 12 pieces, roll out each piece to very thin, throw in an ungreased nonstick pan. When the top side bubbles (takes only about 10-20 seconds), flip it over (you can probably just do it with your fingers. I did.). Leave for about 10 more is done! Don't leave too long. They will burn fairly easily.

Anyway, hope you like this...wish I could upload a pic, but I looked around and I have yet to figure out how to do it. Love ya girlie!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Entrance into BlogLand

I finally am getting with it and joining the community that exists only on the amazing thing we call the worldwide web. Well, maybe not ONLY on it, but at least primarily on it.

I am not quite sure what to write about first, to tell you the truth. Should I start with my love of good food and wine? My growing-up in the Rockies out west? My love of music and profession of it? Or should I tell you about the amazing affair of love with my Jacob?

I guess I should start with Jacob, since I'm in the mode of introducing myself. This amazing man is my husband, and I am the luckiest girl in the world! He is a lover of music, dancing, laughter, family, food, drinks, and, of course, me! He does think it is a little strange, though, that I enjoy kitchenware and serving dishes so much. This evening he is playing a show in a faraway land (he is the drummer in his band), and we were chatting on the phone as I wandered into TJMaxx trying to occupy my time. I immediately found a gorgeous wooden salad bowl. He later texted, "I love you, you crazy wooden bowl and cake plate getter!" Hilarious to me. And I love him all the more for it.

We have been married for about a year and a half now, and are loving every bit of it! I wouldn't change a thing...except for maybe how much he travels. But, we are used to it, and it doesn't bother us much. It just makes us appreciate each other that much more, and, trust me, the love-making alone is well worth every bit of waiting and wanting! I mean...what? Did I say that?

Well, you know a little bit more about my little life here, now, and I am glad to be part of this. I don't even know if I'll tell anyone right away that I'm doing this. Maybe eventually I'll get the nerve up. 'Til then, hello, Diary!